annual fundraiser
We are excited to be partnering up with Rosie's Place one more time! Please have a look through this page to see what we are doing and how you can get involved.
Who am I?
I am a person, just like you. I have a dog that doesn't know it isn't a cat, another that lives in a window and a plush Avengers set that Wolverine just doesn't know he isn't a part of. I am also a small business owner, occasional journalist and an active member of my local communities.
In addition to this, I was sexually abused by a relative as a child, and I've decided (and you probably agree) that no one deserves to experience this. Most would consider my experience unspeakably difficult, but I've decided to break the silence and speak out. You can read more about my personal journey here.
Why am I doing this?
It’s easy, actually. Change starts somewhere. And for me, it starts here. The impact abuse has on the individual is devastating, and can destroy lives. It is possible to rebuild these lives, as I have mine. There are organisations that work to make this happen, and that is where I would like you to help.
How can you help?
For five years now, I have partnered up with Rosie's Place. Rosie’s Place is a community based sexual assault counselling service for children, young people and their non-offending family members. You can read more about their philosophy and mission statement here.
Your support and donations will enable us to continue to offer the community vital support. I will be using the funds raised via this website to host a magical-themed fundraiser, which I am happy to talk to you about in more detail (my contact details are below!). Rosie's Place is a registered and verified not-for-profit organisation, thus all donations are completely tax deductible.
These organisations are drastically underfunded. I didn’t get to this level of self acceptance and willingness to help on my own; I’ve been in contact with the right organisations, the right healthcare professionals and the most amazing support network of all time. Not everyone is as fortunate as I am in whom they have in their lives, and not all those people were able to survive to tell the tale I’m sending you today.
I believe that, with help, every child can not only recover but thrive. Let's make it happen.